Monday - Friday 9.00 - 19.00 Saturday: 10.00 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 18.00
Have you already consulted Tours & Prices and our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)?
Phone number:
How did you hear about us? ---leafletfriendsTelevision
How many people will be on the tour?
Which day of the week would you like to book the tour?
What language do you need the tour guide to speak?
What day of the week would you like to take the tour? ---MondayTuesdayWednesdayTuesdayFridaySaturdaySunday
Are you interested in a full or half-day tour? ---Full dayHalf day
Do you want to include lunch with your booking? ---Lunch IncludedLunch Excluded
If you would like more information, please see our Tours & Prices section, e le nostre and our FAQs. (FAQ)
info If you have more than twenty people in your group CLICK HERE!
Special rates are available in March, July, August and the second half of October for groups of 20 people or more. Would you like to know more about this? SiNo
Does your group have its own coach for transfer and return? YesNo
If your group has its own coach, would you prefer to embark/disembark in Venice (ZTLbus fee payable, see here for rates) or at Villa Foscari in Malcontenta di Mira (no ZTLbus fee payable)? VeniceVilla Foscari, Malcontenta di Mira
Does your group have a timetable to stick to? What is your estimated time of arrival at the point of embarkation and what time do you need to leave again?
Is your group planning to stay overnight in local accommodation at the place of departure or are you planning a day return trip?
Does your group need information on hotel accommodation? If so, what is your preferred price range?
Would you like to receive details of tours or any cultural, nature or food and wine events in the area? SiNo
Are you a private group (friends, relatives, etc.) or a group organised by a travel agency/association/company? Private group Group organised through an intermediary Private GroupPrivate group Group organised through an intermediary
Thank you for your responses, someone will be in touch with you shortly.
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with EU Reg. 2016/679 and you can access the privacy statement, as provided in Art. 13.
I have received a copy, read and understood the privacy statement which sets forth how my personal data will be used (as specified in Art. 13 of European Regulation 2016/679) by Il Burchiello, the Data Controller, for the purposes outlined below in the specific statement.
Any doubts lefts? Check out our FAQs